GoldenGate HeartBeat Table


Golden Gate HeartBeat Table Microservices Architecture

Oracle GoldenGate heartbeat table is completely automatic and now integrated from 12.2 version onwards. These heartbeat table can be configured easily and provides automatic heartbeat transactions every minute and with auto purge capability. Using GoldenGate, the heartbeat works by replicating a heartbeat transaction across each Extract -> Distribution Path -> Replicat. Neither the extract nor replicat parameter files contain these heartbeat tables.

Monitoring end-to-end replication lag can be accomplished using the default automatic heartbeat table functionality. Heartbeats are sent automatically from source databases as replication by updating records in a heartbeat seed table and a heartbeat table, and building a heartbeat history table. The target databases insert or update these heartbeat records into the heartbeat table.

The GG_HEARTBEAT table contains lag information for each component of Extract and Replicat. So when it comes to diagnosing a GoldenGate performance issue, we can quickly determine where the bottleneck is using these heartbeat table and view information. 

STEP 1 : add schema name : GLOBALS

Login to Administration Service – Configuration – Parameter files -> GLOBALS
Select Edit and make sure to enter the ggschema. Here in this case ggschema -> ggadmin

Golden Gate Globals ggschema

STEP 2 : Add HeartBeat Table

HeartBeat tables can be added through UI or adminclient.
While using the UI, Login to the database using the connect and click on + icon next to heartbeat

HeartBeat Table Create

Perform the similar steps on Target database. Here in this case, the source database is Standalone 12.2 Database and Target is Autonomous Database. 

The same can be accomplished using ADMINCLIENT utility
					OGG ( Oracle-Deployment as ORCL_SI@ORCL) 5> add heartbeattable
 INFO    OGG-14001  Successfully created heartbeat seed table ["GG_HEARTBEAT_SEED"].
 INFO    OGG-14032  Successfully added supplemental logging for heartbeat seed table ["GG_HEARTBEAT_SEED"].
 INFO    OGG-14000  Successfully created heartbeat table ["GG_HEARTBEAT"].
 INFO    OGG-14033  Successfully added supplemental logging for heartbeat table ["GG_HEARTBEAT"].
 INFO    OGG-14016  Successfully created heartbeat history table ["GG_HEARTBEAT_HISTORY"].
 INFO    OGG-14023  Successfully created heartbeat lag view ["GG_LAG"].
 INFO    OGG-14024  Successfully created heartbeat lag history view ["GG_LAG_HISTORY"].
 INFO    OGG-14003  Successfully populated heartbeat seed table with [TRG12C].
 INFO    OGG-14004  Successfully created procedure ["GG_UPDATE_HB_TAB"] to update the heartbeat tables.
 INFO    OGG-14017  Successfully created procedure ["GG_PURGE_HB_TAB"] to purge the heartbeat history table.
 INFO    OGG-14005  Successfully created scheduler job ["GG_UPDATE_HEARTBEATS"] to update the heartbeat tables.
 INFO    OGG-14018  Successfully created scheduler job ["GG_PURGE_HEARTBEATS"] to purge the heartbeat history table.
OGG ( Oracle-Deployment as ORCL_SI@ORCL) 6> info heartbeattable
2023-02-01T02:47:50Z  INFO    OGG-08100  HEARTBEAT table ggadmin.gg_heartbeat exists.
2023-02-01T02:47:50Z  INFO    OGG-08100  HEARTBEAT table ggadmin.gg_heartbeat_seed exists.
2023-02-01T02:47:50Z  INFO    OGG-08100  HEARTBEAT table ggadmin.gg_heartbeat_history exists.
2023-02-01T02:47:50Z  INFO    OGG-08100  HEARTBEAT table ggadmin.gg_heartbeat supplemental logging ENABLED.
2023-02-01T02:47:50Z  INFO    OGG-08100  HEARTBEAT table ggadmin.gg_heartbeat_seed supplemental logging ENABLED.
2023-02-01T02:47:50Z  INFO    OGG-08100  HEARTBEAT table ggadmin.gg_heartbeat_history partitioning DISABLED.
2023-02-01T02:47:50Z  INFO    OGG-08100  Frequency interval: 60 seconds.
2023-02-01T02:47:50Z  INFO    OGG-08100  Purge frequency interval: 1 days.
2023-02-01T02:47:50Z  INFO    OGG-08100  Retention time: 30 days.

The ADD HEARTBEAT command created the following database objects:
  • heartbeat_table_SEED : (default GG_HEARTBEAT_SEED)
  • heartbeat_table : (default GG_HEARTBEAT)
  • heartbeat_table_HISTORY : (default GG_HEARTBEAT_HISTORY)
  • GG_LAG

Stored Procedures:
Scheduler Jobs:
STEP 3 : Check Scheduler Jobs

On Source and Target Database check dba_scheduler jobs are running using the below SQL

					SQL> set lines 200
SQL> col START_DATE format a40
SQL> col LAST_START_DATE format a40
SQL> col NEXT_RUN_DATE format a40
SQL> select START_DATE, LAST_START_DATE, NEXT_RUN_DATE  from dba_scheduler_jobs where job_name ='GG_UPDATE_HEARTBEATS';

START_DATE                               LAST_START_DATE                          NEXT_RUN_DATE
---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
01-FEB-23 AM ETC/GMT     01-FEB-23 PM ETC/GMT     01-FEB-23 PM ETC/GMT

STEP 4 : Check the Lag Information Using HeartBeat Table
					Program     Status      Group       Type             Lag at Chkpt  Time Since Chkpt

EXTRACT     RUNNING     EXTSWING    INTEGRATED       00:00:02      00:00:04
REPLICAT    RUNNING     RPSWING     NONINTEGRATED    00:00:00      00:00:06

OGG ( Oracle-Deployment as ORCL_SI@ORCL) 6> lag RPSWING
No Extract groups exist.

Sending GETLAG request to Replicat group RPSWING ...

Last record lag 3 seconds.
At EOF, no more records to process

GoldenGate Heartbeat Table

For more information on HeartBeat table check out the Oracle documentation here.

That’s it. Now you can measure the lag and set the alerts based on heartbeat table…..Hope you found this article useful.Disclaimer: The views expressed on this document are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle..

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